Quality Control
Raw sequencing reads are assessed for quality issues that may lead to inaccurate results
- Remove sequencing adapters if they are present in any reads
- Merge overlapping 3' regions for paired-end mates, reducing the potential for false positive variant calls
Alignment Refinement
- Filter low quality alignments
- Remove PCR duplicates
- Realign around InDel regions
- Recalibrate base quality scores
Variant Calling and Filtering
Germline variant callers:
GATK HaplotypeCaller, GATK UnifiedGenotyper, FreeBayes, SAMtools mpileup/bcftools, Issac Variant Caller
Somatic variant callers:
MuTect, Shimmer, SomaticSniper, Strelka, VarScan2, Virmid
Customized filtration for high-confident calls
Variant Annotation
Gene symbol, amino acid changes, genomic features, CADD, COSMIC, clinical significance, deleterious prediction, population allele frequency, etc.
Report Generation
- Interactive exploration of raw read quality, alignment metrics, and integrated variants sets
- Dynamic search and filtration by gene symbol, population frequency, variant set concordance
- Assist in downstream customization of potential disease-causing mutations
- Stand-alone RShiny tool for desktop visualization
Scalable Implemented in BigDataScript
Flexible Fine control of runtime parameters
Robust Extensive checkpoints and error detection features
Comprehensive Multiple alignment and variant calling algorithms